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Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers, and Grain Millers

The BCTGM stands for the Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers, and Grain Millers. It is a democratic non-profit organization made up of workers in all of the above industries and other food industries.



The objectives of BCTGM Local Union No. 57 are to secure for its members decent working conditions, fair wages, the benefits of collective bargaining and other items of mutual benefit and interest to bakery and confectionery workers within the jurisdiction of the charter of this Local and to promote the dignity of labor among working men and women.

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New Member Information Hub

If you are newly employed by a company with a current contract with BCTGM Local Union No. 57,




  • See below for beneficial information for all new and current members of BCTGM Local Union No. 57.


  • Negotiates and enforces your contract

  • Settles your grievances

  • Organizes

Every member of this Local has equal rights and privileges within this union to nominate candidates, to vote in elections...

The most important job right you have is the right to collective bargaining. Because all employees negotiate together...

Membership in the Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers give you a lot more. As you know, as a union...

If you are off work (injury, illness, or leave of absence) for one (1) full calendar month or more, a retiring card (withdrawal card)...

Stating Your Weingarten Rights to the Employer

"If this discussion could in any way lead to my...

New Member Information Hub
BCTGM Local 57 Logo Web Small_edited.png


“The only effective answer to organized greed is organized labor.”

Thomas Donahue

former President and Secretary-Treasurer of AFL-CIO


Ready to find out more?

Membership in the BCTGM Local Union No. 57


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